About Us

Right now, “us” is mostly me, Kristin Neperud Merz, while I draw on ideas from the book I’m writing with Dena Mercer – “Unpuzzling Spirituality: An Introduction to Spiritual Thoughts to Create a Big, Happy, Peaceful, and Loving Life (Ages 9 and up)” {Status Update: estimated publication date June 26, 2019.}

That said, if you have an insight or thought you think would be great for this community, please contact me to possibly be a guest blogger.

Kristin Neperud Merz –

Professionally I am…


On a personal level, I …

Currently, I live happily in Buellton, CA with my husband, Chris, and my dog, Boonabean. 

For the most part, I’m someone who feels a lot of peace, love, happiness, and gratitude. I get to help others fulfill their dreams through my design work. I hope to help even more people find thoughts that can bring them peace, love, and happiness through my books and now this site. I get to make learning fun with Kat and Squirrel! AND I’m able to do so surrounded by many wonderful souls I love and adore. I ask you, how does life get better than this? I mean, seriously, how does life top this experience? I love it. Thank you anyone and everyone who helped shape this wonderful life!


My shadow side…

Let’s get real – we all have parts of ourselves we might not like, times when we might not be proud of ourselves, and times when we flat out doubt ourselves. Me too. I have fears. I get angry. I have many many flaws. I doubt myself. I don’t have it all figured out. I have wrinkles and acne (all at the same time)… which really sucks. Which shows me how I too judge and can be better. I may not post it on Facebook, but the shadow side is all there too.

I am hoping to use these flaws to transform myself into a better person. I believe all the negative crap is here to help me learn, grow, and be more loving. I’m learning. I am growing.

Please do not follow me as if I am a “Spiritual Guru”… I am not. I’m just me, trying to figure all of this out. But, maybe my struggles, insights I’ve learned along the way, and thoughts might help you to figure out a few things on your journey. That is all I can hope for – to help, even if it is a just a few, to find greater peace, love, and happiness.

Let’s start exploring all of this together!


P.S. One thing I’m not is a grammar and spelling expert. (I have a slight reading issue that makes mistakes VERY hard to spot.) If you see a mistake, please contact me and let me know. Thank you!

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What is spirituality? How does spirituality relate to my life? How do I develop spiritual beliefs? How can I use my spiritual beliefs in my every day life? What is death? Understanding your spirituality can feel like you are putting together a puzzle without a picture to guide you. Unpuzzling Spirituality invites the reader to explore answers to these questions and more. It helps the reader to put the pieces of the puzzle together to create a big, happy, peaceful, purposeful, and loving life.

Exploring your spirituality is a journey that can help you to figure out who you are, who you can be, and how you can understand and make a difference in the world around you.

Let’s unpuzzle your spirituality together... 

Or to purchase, please follow these links:
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