So, I was discussing with a client the idea of wanting to earning money through doing what we love and feel passionate about, and how…despite what people tell you, that doesn’t always seem easy or actually work.
Not having a good answer for her (or myself), I decided to try a “writing exercise” on the problem. For this exercise, I decided to put the question to my higher self. Here is how the conversation went:
Me: How do we connect earning money with living our dream life/way of contributing in the world?
Answer from Higher Self: Do you have to connect it?
M: It would be nice!
A: True, but there are other ways.
M: What other ways?
A: Stay open.
M: but what if I want it to be connected with my dream way of contributing to the world?
A: Then you need to be patient.
M: For how long?
A: As long as it takes. This timeline is not yours. It is the world’s. Stay patient until all of the pieces are in place. Then it “will happen.”
M: Okay…. In the meantime, any ideas about what to stay open to?
A: Just stay open to everything – always! The right answers will present themselves in their time.
You sure have a time issue, don’t you?
M: Apparently.
Bills have a timing problem too.
A: Have you ever missed a payment yet?
M: Huh… um, no, I guess not… sometimes have been stressful, and sometimes I have had to dip into savings, but… no, I have always had what I needed.
A: Well, then trust.
Have faith.
Be patient and stay open to all options in the meantime.
M: Okay.
Thank you!
A: You’re welcome.
So, what I took away from all of that is:
1. Chill
Stop trying to control the timeline. Do what you can, as you can, to move forward, but… stop stressing about the timeline – the timeline is apparently NOT mine TO control. I can work on what needs to get done, but ultimately I have little to no control.
2. My passion projects don’t not have to be the same way that I earn money.
I may never earn anything from them, but if I feel passionately about something, that passion is there for a reason. I should just do it anyway- paid or not.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I actually do LOVE what I do for a living most of the time, but this Big Heart Living project is one of the things I am feeling more passionately about these days. So… I guess… I keep doing both! Do my design work “by day” and figure out how to spread thoughts about Peace, love, Happiness, and kindness “by night.” Right now, I can be okay with letting one support the other.
Actually, I can be THANKFUL that I am able to do my passion project because of my “day job.”
…I think that is what I needed to learn. I can love both. Both my day job (and how I earn money). I can love the fun work and contribution I do there. AND I can love and be thankful for the fact that it gives me the ability to pursue my passion projects. Yes, for that I say, “thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Think about it!
Writers sometimes use this technique to “talk to” their characters and figure things out. But you can also use this technique to talk directly to a problem you are having, talk to ∞, or whatever you choose.
I encourage you to give the writing exercise a try for yourself!! It is kinda crazy. You won’t always get the answer you “wanted” or expected.
Just pick something to talk TO and ask a question, pause and see what answer comes to mind, write it down and continue - and see where the conversation goes.
I look back at the few times I have done this and am always shocked at the results. You might be too! Give it a try!