How to act in loving ways, or the “Love Laws”
Living a BIG ♡ life means choosing actions based on LOVE, not fear.
Acts of love do no harm – not to yourself, others, or your environment.
Acts of love build trust, empower goodness, sharing, acceptance, inclusion, the freedom to express, and confidence.
Acts of love create solutions where everyone involved “wins.”
When you think and act in loving ways, you not only think about yourself, you think about what is best for everyone.
As we were writing “Unpuzzling Spirituality: An Introduction to Spiritual Thoughts to Create a Big, Happy, Peaceful, and Loving Life (Ages 9 and up)” we created a list of loving ways to act. This is not an exhausted list, but a start! If you think of something that you don’t feel is covered by one of “The Love Laws” below, please let us know. Also, please note, it is our plan to add more detailed notes about each of these “Love Laws” as we proceed with the site.
Although the thoughts on this site are all a reflection of “Unpuzzling Spirituality: An Introduction to Spiritual Thoughts to Create a Big, Happy, Peaceful, and Loving Life (Ages 9 and up),” the LIST below is cut and paste from our book.
When I act in loving ways, I will…
love myself.
I am to be the best ME that I can be. I fully accept myself and the uniqueness I bring to the world—all while I continue to grow. There’s no need to compare myself to anyone because no one in the world is like me, yet I hold all as equally important to the world.
share my gifts with the world.
I was given my unique gifts, talents, insights, and abilities for a reason. I choose to be me and share my gifts with the world as I can. “Playing small” and hiding my talents helps no one. Rather, my uniqueness has the potential to influence all around me in positive ways.
A little bit of music to go along with the first two Love Laws on our list… (Enjoy!)
support and celebrate others.
I will show appreciation toward others and celebrate what makes them THEM. I will look for the best qualities in others. When I do, I allow them to fulfill their purpose and I can possibly learn from someone demonstrating a smarter, wiser, or kinder way.
care for and protect our environment.
Everything in our world is interconnected. I will do my best to protect and care for everything in the environment.
forgive myself and others.
I will learn from my mistakes and from those of others. I will forgive myself and others so that we can move forward and grow. I will recognize that people are doing the best they can at the time.
embrace the growth that change brings.
All of life is continually changing. Nothing is constant. Change can bring with it a discomfort that gives opportunities for growth. I will accept life’s changes as they arise.
bring the good I seek.
In any situation where I feel love is needed, I will bring it.
be thankful and show gratitude.
I will express gratitude both inwardly and outwardly. I will seek reasons to be grateful and use my words to celebrate others.
be truthful.
I will observe what’s really happening in life and I will speak my truth about it. This will build trust and bring me closer to others.
involve myself in life.
I will take action to help make our world a better place. I will not expect somebody else to be the solution, but I will be part of the action to make it happen. There is a hero within me.
stay in the now.
I will appreciate each moment of my life, finding ways to make a positive difference. The past is gone and the future has not happened. All we have is this current moment.
express joy.
I will choose to love and enjoy life and spread that love and enjoyment. Joy is contagious and can ripple out into the world.
be mindful and compassionate.
I will see life as it really is. I will recognize and respect the needs of others and our environment. It is then that I can effectively contribute to the good.
be trustworthy and trust others.
I will fulfill the promises I make and do what I say I will do. Others will know me and know that I am trustworthy. I will also allow myself to be vulnerable and trust others when I sense that it is right.
practice balance and moderation.
I will create a life that is balanced with work, play, and rest.
be open-minded.
I will dare to question my own ways and to explore the unfamiliar. I will truly listen to others without allowing my own thoughts to interfere with what they are sharing.
be one who includes all.
I will actively work to share experiences with all those who want to be included whenever possible.
express myself.
I will share my thoughts and ideas with others. I will allow my creative sparks of inspiration to produce delightful works and experiences.
seek continual self improvement.
I am a work in progress. I will work each day to improve my mind, body, and soul.
be patient and persistent.
I will be persistent in striving to improve myself. Along the way I will do my best to be patient with myself and others.
cooperate with others.
I am connected with all around me. I will use this connection to cooperate and work with others. Working together allows us to draw on each other’s strengths and accomplish greater things.
share and contribute.
Hiding my gifts helps no one. I will share and contribute my gifts and abilities with the world around me.
use self-control.
I will STOP, EXPLORE my options, and CHOOSE a loving way to respond. I will remind myself that the most good can come from thoughtful and loving actions.
find lessons in failures.
I will turn what I used to call my “failures” into successes by seeing them as life lessons. I will grow stronger and smarter with each attempt.
remind myself that I am worthy and loved.
I am here for a reason. I am loved by ∞ and many others.
take charge of my own happiness.
I will work to be a happy and joyful person. I will look to myself to create my own happiness instead of forcing others to behave as I like to make me happy.
focus on my desires and the path I need to take to achieve.
I will follow and pursue my dreams, knowing that I must take action to create the life I desire.
listen to the soft intuitive whisper inside of me.
I will quiet my mind and listen to my soul for guidance. I ask ∞, “Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say and to whom?” and then wait for gentle guidance.
be courageous.
Though I might feel scared, I will face my fears and act in loving ways that express my gifts, protect myself and others, and helps all to thrive.
only use kind words to others and myself.
Since my thoughts and words have power, I will be careful in what I think and say. Knowing that when they leave my mind they go out into the world like a magic spell affecting all.
think loving thoughts.
My thoughts contain an energy that lives within me and can radiate outside me into the world. I will be careful how I use my thought’s energy. It has the power to influence the world around me.
give back.
I know life is a two-way street—it is not all about me receiving things. I will give back to the world around me as my gifts will allow.
Choosing Loving action.
Both your thoughts and your actions have the ability to change the experiences of yourself and others. So, choose wisely. But remember, YOU get to choose which loving actions feel right to you. The choice is yours.
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What is spirituality? How does spirituality relate to my life? How do I develop spiritual beliefs? How can I use my spiritual beliefs in my every day life? What is death? Understanding your spirituality can feel like you are putting together a puzzle without a picture to guide you. Unpuzzling Spirituality invites the reader to explore answers to these questions and more. It helps the reader to put the pieces of the puzzle together to create a big, happy, peaceful, purposeful, and loving life.
Exploring your spirituality is a journey that can help you to figure out who you are, who you can be, and how you can understand and make a difference in the world around you.
Let’s unpuzzle your spirituality together...
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